OAK!Merge will update or add the data to a new record if the field has a pull down menu. We tested with ACT 12 and OAK!Merge 12.4.2. Data is updated regardless of whether or not items are in the pull down menu. Even if the field was set to “limit to list”; it will be updated. Consider City and State fields. They have pull down menus. If your data has cities or data for the state field that is not in the pull down, it will still be added or updated by OAK!Merge. See screen shots below for a test merge into the ACT Demo database.
OAK!Merge Version 12.4.2 update is out The key new feature is linking history, notes, opportunities, custom table info, and activities to Contacts, Companies, and Opportunities by a special custom field: OAKMergeID. The manual has been expanded with new examples, sample merge files, and full index. Download at http://www.oakpro.com/downloads/OakMerge12.zip see screen shot of mapping options above Get more info at www.oakmerge.com
Version 12.3.0 update is out. The current version of OAK!Merge is at Version 12.3.0 update is out. The current version of OAK!Merge is at http://www.oakpro.com/downloads/OakMerge12.zip UPDATE SUMMARY: – USER table support – Update record Manager – Office 2007 Excel/Access support – Link to opportunities – User interface improvements OAK!Merge 12.3.0 adds the ability to import users into ACT. Since it supports ACT to ACT merges too, this means you can MOVE users from one database to another. Note: passwords in the target database are set to blank in this type of a merge. We also added the ability to record manager on imports. This is very useful on contacts, history, note, or opportunity imports. 12.3 now supports Office 2007 versions of excel and access as sources. Since opportunities are now top level entities, you can not link activities and history to opportunities as well as contacts, companies, and groups. User interface… read more →
OAK!Merge 12.2 is released 1/10/10. It now writes to Secondary Contacts. The Pro Version has been out since Oct 2009. The feedback has been great. The new ACT 12 opportunities and products are working fine. The new PRO version also does ACT! to ACT! merges and appends data to CUSTOM TABLES.
Sample Run_OAKmerge.bat with Remarks to display as it runs rem batch file to run a merge from a stored profile in OAK!Merge called batch44 “C:\E Tech Systems\ACT\OAK!Merge 12\OakMerge.UI.ACT” batch44 rem “All Done- log files with results are in C:\E Tech Systems\OAK!Merge 12\Logs” rem rem remove the pause below to run unattended from a scheduler Pause
Version 12.1.1 released for OAK!Merge is released. It supports ACT! 9,10, 11 and 12. It also has support for Custom Tables and ACT! to ACT! Merges. The Features Roadmap was updated with versions and features here.
Question: can I use field mappings in any version of OAK!Merge? Answer: yes, field mappings are included in Basic and up versions. Note: In the Basic version you can save and use mappings. This is not the same as saving and using profiles. Mappings are only the field mappings. The profiles include the mappings AND the log-in/password, type of source and file name. Profiles are required for unattended automated merges. Profiles are not included in Basic. If you create and reuse field mappings you can import files repeatedly without having to redo the field mappings each time. The field order and field names need to stay the same.
OAK!Merge Ver 11.1.4 released. It Supports ACT 9, 10, and 11. Bug and usability enhancements were included.