Enhancements included in OAK!Merge 17.1.1 Supports the new ACT v17: PRO, PREMIUM, and Web versions Export the Group Names linked to contacts and opportunities. This adds a new field to the contact and opportunity table exports called __Groups__ This new field contains the comma delimited names of the all the groups each contact or opportunity is a member of. Both Static and Dynamic group memberships are included. Allows a double-click to open file dialog box or select the mapping to use Import data directly from remote web sites. v17 Supports WEB URL as a path to a source file. Source files can now be on a website. A an example is https://www.oakmerge.com/downloads/Contacts_10.csv ( note: path is case-sensitive) Supports constants as a matching field. This is useful if you have several matching criteria, but not all are columns in the source data. Upgrade or, download the full manual at OAKMerge.com for… read more →